A handwritten banner that reads 'questionaut'. The letters are transparent with a green watercolour texture within.


i'm a bit of a rambler - this is a place for me to put things and some of my thoughts on things i love and hate, as well as some of my original writings.

credit for pretty much everything is hosted at the bottom of this page (scroll down), but where possible i've hyperlinked images with their sources. click around!

p.s - if you've been here before, hard refresh (ctrl/cmd+shift+r)! there might be something new ;)

site updates

  • 01/02/2 - it's februrary! progress is slow going. i'm finally experimenting and working on the shrines.
  • 20/01/24 - it's 2024! i've been working on the web site offline for a while which is why it's looked like.... >_>... nothing was happening... i've been taking my time with it!
  • 24/12/23 - wow... a year and two days of questionaut... the website is like, back to basics but With Extras. exciting!
  • 14/12/23 - i am nothing if not consistent in my inconsistence. i've actually decided i'm rather attached to the old format, but i'm editing it in a new program for a happy medium. i don't want to be as gif-heavy but i love me a blinky. we're still figuring it out. i'd like to work on a blogging format that suits the site better than the zonelet, but i'm aware that the web site will be mobile-unfriendly for a bit. at the same time, this space is not *intended* for passers-by. for anyone popping in, questionaut is a bit all over the place.
  • 1/08/23 - white rabbit!
  • 31/07/23 - mad ting. it's been a hot minute - i got a little manic, kind of forgot i had hobbies. yeah, look, you know, man. q-naut went offline for a while but it's back now + hopefully should be able to stay in a state where i'm happy for it to be up. it doesn't suck as much as i thought it did, you know?
  • 3/3/23 - that's a cool number. i rejigged the uhhhh site layout because i'm actually feeling a proper, static sidebar for the desktop layout? i think the older version is better suited to tumblr tbh. i might use the extra space for something else. still yet to decide on the audio player situation. maybe i'll have one track per page?
  • 14/2/23 - happy valentines day! removed a lot of the dead/wip links on my site! they'll be back up when i've completed more bits on it. now page *updated*, and a blog entry has been added :-)!
  • 6/2/23 - jesus, it's been a while. uni has been kicking my ass. edited the zonelet for politeness, and added enough to the alex g page for it to be uploaded to the site in a semi-complete form. i'll probably in the mood to add more to it when i've seen him live. onto the next section of the interests page, and we should be onto weekly or fortnightly updates - no promises!
  • 30/12/22 - two more entries on the blog now, + a new week added to meds tracker if you're that way inclined. started work on alex g shrine. should be uploaded in its completed state in the new year, but the intro is up now.
  • 26/12/22 - another slow one. gotta write an entry for the blog. did an 'interests' button but something's slightly off... i'll fix it later. i'm still not sure what it is??
  • 25/12/22 - interesting day. skeleton for /interests.html done, fleshed out /now.html a little more. i'm not sure if it should just be on the sidebar... will have to redo buttons. songs added to the playlist. pretty meh but servicable sitemap present - now to do the *fun*, sexy webpages, the interests. and my oc pages, which i will 100% do first. go peruse the best web site in the world if you're tense with anticipation about that.
  • 24/12/22 - did my guestbook!!!! added some images to /about , el o ell. now to actually *do* the sitemap. with lots of patience and many, many reuploads of my css, i've reskinned the scm player for my site.
  • 23/12/22 - rejigged the directories, zonelet has now been relegated to /diary/ zone. finished (ish) /about.html. onto the sitemap and now page!!!
  • 22/12/22 - wow what a cool number! completely rejigged desktop layout. need to fuck around w files lol

to do list

  • figure out hyperlinking system for shrines page
  • change music on existing pages to things more evergreen tbh
  • finish text on cotl shrine
  • begin drawing out layout for disco elysium shrine
  • start arranging the clusterfuck that is the fallout shrine
  • ponder the elder scrolls a little bit

credits + acknowledgements

Many thanks to my friends shannon and aisha, without whom i probably would have left this website to rot without looking at it ever again...
and my partner june, who motivated me to get questionaut running in the first place.

Heavy inspiration for the site's hand-written banner was taken from the art of Mabel Parker!

Backgrounds came from Wikimedia Commons or forgottenflickr on tumblr. any backgrounds unattributed here were photographed by me.

The font Helvetihand is by billy snyder, but the italicised version is by softpine on Tumblr.

Spirit and Little Spirit are made by Asterism.

April is by Gaelleing.

Select Mono Italics is by Michael Mcmaster.

This website was made with hands.
This web is still being woven. Please don't be surprised if it changes slightly from time to time...